
Why to Use IHttpClientFactory to Make HTTP Requests in .NET 5.0 or .NET Core

In any system nowadays, applications or services need to communicate with each other to achieve the target process. This communication can occur in many different forms or types, but one of these types is the direct communication via HTTP request. An ASP.NET Core application or service can communicate with external APIs or services via HTTP…

Building Azure Functions in Visual Studio Code using .Net Core

In the previous post, we discussed how to create Azure Functions in Visual Studio 2017 and in Azure Portal and we kept the VS Code part until later discussions. Today, we are going to start building our first function in Visual Studio Code from scratch by setting up the environment with Azure Functions Cli, authenticating…

Running ASP.NET Core App in Kubernetes With Docker for Windows 10

Today, we are going to get started with setting up Docker v18.06.0-ce-win72 (19098) that now supports Kubernetes v1.10.3 on Windows machines running Windows 10 OS. We will end up by running an ASP.NET core app with Docker after creating a deployment, which manages up a Pod that runs the desired Container. This to be considered…


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